Monday, May 24, 2010

Our Blogging Rules

We will:

Only use our FIRST name when writing
Only use SENSIBLE and KIND words
Not write any of our DETAILS - this includes phone number, address and personal email address
Be careful when putting PHOTOS on (we have permission slips signed by parents)

Ask PERMISSION when putting on other people's photos - tell them what you are going to do with the photos

Only display nice photos of other people (we don't want people to be embarrassed)
Try our hardest to get our SPELLING right
Be RESPONSIBLE when using and writing on our blog.


  1. Hey Mrs Bradshaw I think you are the best teacher ever and I enjoy learning with you.from jamie


THANKS FOR LEAVING A COMMENT ON OUR BLOG!! All comments are moderated by our teacher before being published online. Please write your comment and then choose 'Name/URL' from the drop down menu where it says "comment as" when leaving your comment below, then write your FIRST name. It is against our blogging guidelines to include last names, so we ask that you abide by this also please. Parents, please use your first name to comment, or identify yourself as "John's Mum" etc. We'd also love to know where in the world you come from if you are a new visitor. THANKS, FROM ROOM 2 & Miss McCausland :)