Saturday, December 4, 2010

Assembly Item

On Friday the 3rd of December, Room 2 performed an awesome assembly item about Chinese New Year. Way to go Room 2, all your hard work paid off!!! We have all really enjoyed learning about Celebrations this term, especially Chinese New Year!


  1. Hi Room 2,

    We enjoyed your performance.
    We liked it when the dragon was being naughty. We liked all your masks too. It was good when the parade started, it looked cool and scary.
    Was it hard to make your masks?

    By Room 4

  2. Thanks so much for your positive reply. We were not sure what the children thought of our item and are pleased to hear they enjoyed it. Our masks did take a little while to make, but that is only because the children put so much effort into perfecting them. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing our perfomance infront of the school.


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